Academic Advising Center

The Academic Advising Center is committed to the smooth transition and the academic success of all undergraduate students at Georgia College & State University.
Aquatic Sciences Center
The Aquatic Sciences Center at Georgia College leverages existing strengths, collaboration and resources on campus to provide a platform for enhanced research opportunities.
Career Center

Georgia College & State University believes that career planning is a lifelong process and desires for all graduates to secure fulfilling careers post-graduation.
Center for Early Language and Literacy

The Sandra Dunagan Deal Center for Early Language and Literacy is on a mission to improve the early language and literacy skills of Georgia’s children.
Center for Economic Education

The Center for Economic Education is an affiliate of the Georgia Council on Economic Education and the National Council on Economic Education.
Center for Georgia Studies

Formally recognized by the University System Board of Regents in 1998, the Center for Georgia Studies was created to provide a comprehensive examination of all aspects of Georgia life, history, and culture.
Center for Health & Social Issues

The purpose of the Center for Health and Social Issues at Georgia College & State University is to improve the health of the residents of Central Georgia.
Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship is a multifaceted operation that seeks to launch multiple programs by tapping into the creative talents in and around Georgia College to enhance the positive societal impact of the university.
Center for Music Education

Founded in 2018, the mission of the Center for Music Education at Georgia College is to bring music education opportunities to middle Georgia.
Center for Teaching and Learning

The Center for Teaching and Learning fosters academic excellence by supporting and advancing collaborative, innovative, and engaged evidence-based teaching/learning experiences in and beyond the classroom.
Center of Technology and Empowerment

The Center of Technology and Empowerment aims to become a leading hub for innovation, learning, student empowerment, and community advancement by leveraging cutting-edge technologies and fostering strong partnerships.
Center for Testing

The Testing Center offers various testing services to both students and faculty who utilize the center.
Early College

Georgia College Early College (GCEC) is a 7th grade through 12th grade public educational institution that is located on GC's campus.
International Education Center

The International Education Center (IEC) of Georgia College promotes international and cross-cultural learning and understanding, plus inclusive excellence, and the importance and benefits of diversity.
Language Resource Center

The Language Resource Center (LRC) serves as an extension of the classroom with the goal of enhancing all phases of the language learning process.
Nursing Simulation Center

Georgia College’s Simulation and Translational Research Center (STRC) is internationally recognized for providing various types of high-quality simulation experiences to undergraduate and graduate nursing students.
Outdoor Center

The Outdoor Center at Georgia College & State University provides excellent group development experiences, leadership training and outdoor trips.
Science Education Center

The Science Education Center promotes interdisciplinary research in science education and community outreach, civic engagement, and service learning opportunities for the Georgia College & State University community.
Student Disability Resource Center

The Student Disability Resource Center is here to help students fully participate in and benefit from all aspects of college life.
The Learning Center

The GCSU Learning Center provides academic support in mathematics, physics, economics, kinesiology, and science courses throughout the core curriculum.
The Writing Center

The Writing Center supports writers throughout their Georgia College academic experience by working with them at any stage of the writing process.
Wellness and Recreation Center

Located on Georgia College’s West Campus, the Wellness and Recreation Center is a hub for Bobcat activity.
Flannery O'Connor Institute for the Humanities

The O'Connor Institute, the public arts and humanities center of Georgia College & State University, supports Flannery O’Connor scholarship, nourishes writing and the creative arts, and engages community members with the arts and humanities.
Rural Studies Institute

The mission of RSI is to assist in developing sustainable rural communities that are equipped to address the unique challenges of the 21st century.